
Over an 18 year period as a research-active scientist, I have published my work extensively in peer-reviewed journals and at international conferences. This work has been cited 5809 times within scientific literature. I also sit on the Editorial Boards of four reputable, international scientific journals and regularly peer-review papers for journals within the field of Analytical Chemistry.  I was an invited session chair for an international scientific conference in autumn 2017 and I have been interviewed for expert opinion by the scientific media on several occasions (e.g. and .

My experience as a research active scientist at the cutting-edge of my field gives me a working knowledge of science and statistics well beyond the school-based curriculum, whilst also having an in-depth knowledge of areas required to be successful at GCSE and A’ level.  That deeper level of understanding allows me to be able to find new ways to explain concepts students find tricky in ways which are accessible to students.


Picture: A PhD student from my research group tuning the newly installed 600 MHz NMR spectrometer at the University of Nottingham