Medical or Dental School Applications

UK medical and dental schools require students to sit either the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT, previously called UKCAT) or the Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) prior to application.  Whilst a significantly larger number of Universities require the UCAT, many students will opt to sit both tests in order to increase the number of courses they could potentially apply for.  A list of courses requiring BMAT can be found here, whilst a list of courses requiring UKCAT can be found here.

UCAT Test Format

The UCAT is a two-hour computer-based test. It consists of five separately timed subtests (Verbal Reasoning, Decision MakingQuantitative ReasoningAbstract ReasoningSituational Judgement) which assess a range of mental abilities identified by university medical and dental schools as important. Each subtest contains a number of items in a multiple-choice format.

Candidates either sit the standard UCAT or the UCATSEN (Special Educational Needs) if they are entitled to additional time due to a documented medical condition or disability.

BMAT Test Format

The BMAT exam is comprised of three sections to be completed in two hours:

  • Section 1 – Aptitude and Skills: 35 multiple-choice questions, 60 Minutes, Maximum Score: 9.0
  • Section 2 – Scientific Knowledge and Applications: 27 multiple-choice questions, 30 Minutes, Maximum Score: 9.0
  • Section 3 – Writing Task: 1 Essay out of a choice of 4, Maximum Score: 5A

The BMAT examination is unlike any which students would have faced to date, requiring extensive preparation and a unique approach.

I can help students to prepare for either or both the UCAT and BMAT tests.

I would typically recommend a course of 10 hours of tuition for each of the tests, which can be carried out either face-to-face or online via VoIP (i.e. Zoom or Skype).